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Steroids- what drugs are included? Anabolic, androgenic, cortisol, estrogen, progesterone.
What do the drugs do to the body parts affected? Kidney failure, damage to the liver, and cardiovascular problems like high blood pressure and heart attacks
What forms does it come in? Taken orally, injected into muscles, or cream and gel applied to the skin
Addictive? Can lead to addiction
Side effects? Males: shrink testicles and sperm count, infertility, baldness, developing breasts, increased risk of prostate cancer
Girls: growing facial hair, baldness, change of menstrual cycle, enlargement KFC clitoris, and getting a deep voice
Street name? Roids, juice
Chemical name? Andro, oxandrin, dianabol, winstrol, equipoise
Punishment for illegal possession of this drug? Only one year in prison with a minimum fine of 1000 dollars up to 5 years in jail