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Prose- writing or speaking I'm the normal or ordinary form; it is arranged in sentences and paragraphs

Poetry- a peice of literature written in meter or verse

Literal- the standard meaning of a word

Figurative- departure from the standard meaning of a word to achieve some special meaning or effect

Hyperbole- great exaggeration used to emphasize strong feeling

Simile- a comparison of one thing with another by the use of words "like" or "as"

Metaphor- a figure of speech in which a person , an object, or an idea is imaginatively transformed

Personification- granting human attributes to things that aren't human

Rhythm- pattern of stressed an unstressed sounds in a line of poetry

Alliteration- the repitition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words to produce a noticeable effect

Onomatopoeia- a word whose sound imitates the actual sound to which it refers, such as pop, sizzle, crush

Imagery- the use do concrete details that appeal to the five senses

Cacophony- a succession of harsh,jolting sounds

Euphony- a succession of smooth, harmonious sounds

Assonance- the repetition of vowel sounds followed by unlike consonant sounds in stressed words or syllables

Consonance- the repetition of two or more consonants, but with a change in the vowels

Rhyme- the repetition word ending sounds, specifically the repetition of accented vowels sounds plus an succeeding sounds

Rhyme scheme- the pattern of rhymes in a stanza or poem

Internal rhyme- rhyme that occurs within a line

End rhyme- rhyme that comes at the end of lines

Repetition- in poetry, to occur over and over again

Verse- one line of poetry

Stanza- a grouping of the lines in a poem

Refrain- a word, phrase, line, or groups of lines repeated regularly in a poem, usually at the end of each stanza

Poetry Terms

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Mother's Day Mint

By Audrey