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Unposting vs. Deleting a Flow

Have you ever posted a Flow only to realize you made a mistake and need to unpost it immediately? No worries! This is a simple task, and we’re going to walk you through a couple of options for unposting a Flow. How to Unpost a Flow On the iPad, unposting is simple. Tap on the…

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How To Build a Graphic Design Portfolio

As a designer, one of my favorite uses for FlowVella is none other than making a design portfolio! There aren’t a lot of options out there for designers to “plug and play” their content without creating a full website. FlowVella is a great solution to this problem; just grab your portfolio pieces from your favorite…

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How to Create Your Own Presentation Template

FlowVella provides many different presentation templates for you to choose from, but did you know you can also create your own “templates” for later use? This is perfect for those of you who may use FlowVella in a business capacity to keep branding consistent and to save time. It’s simple if you’ve already created the Flow,…

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How to Create a Navigation Bar in FlowVella

You’ve probably seen some of our Flows that feature custom navigation bars, like our Beauty Template, or in the Dale Radio Flow in the catalog. But did you know you can easily create replicate this on any Flow you create? Today we’re going to show you how easy it is to add this feature to any Flow you own!…

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Pitch Perfect NYC… Coming to WeWork Soho West!

We are happy to announce that Pitch Perfect is coming to New York City! Mark your calendars for November 19, 2014 from 12:30pm-1:30pm and join us at WeWork Soho West. At FlowVella, we want to help everyone make better presentations. One of the toughest and most important presentations to make is the investor pitch. We will…

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How to Create a Website From Your Flow with Domain Masking

You probably have seen that you can embed your Flow on your blog or website… but did you know you can also create a website from a Flow? If you own a domain name already, it’s pretty easy. Follow our instructions below (especially if you use GoDaddy, but this will work with other domain providers…

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How to Include a PDF and Alter the Preview Image in 6 Easy Steps (FlowVella for Mac)

Have you been wondering how to add your PDFs to your Flows? We’re here to help! We’ve got the full tutorial to help you through adding your own PDF to your Flow, as well as how to update the preview image so that you can use your own custom image to represent your PDF! 1….

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5 Tips for Choosing Videos to Use in Daily Lessons

1. Acknowledge the Visual/Aural Learner Videos please both visual and aural learning styles. For this reason you might consider including videos in your lessons. Another option you could try is assigning videos as homework. Students could then come back to school the following day to discuss the video with the class. 2. Use Pop Culture…