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The beginning of a path to making a difference...

Martin Luther

Martin Luther was a priest that used his voice to reform about the Catholic Church. Luther nailed a list of complaints, which he called the Ninety-Five Theses, to a church in Wittenberg. The Ninety-Five Theses criticized the church's rituals and way of teachings. One of the main problems Luther had with the church was the sale of indulgences. Luther was called a heretic by Pope Leo X when he found out about the Ninety-Five Thesis. Luther was then excommunicated and was called upon a diet, a council of nobles and church officials. Many of the nobles supported Luther, but the emperor did not, sending him to leave the empire. One noble secretly helped Luther hide from the emperor. Martin Luther was the beginning of a change.

Never wanted to start anything just wanted to correct the mistakes he saw.

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The Protestant Reformation

By Xaviera Pons