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The goal of this experiment was to see the effects of water amount on bean plant growth. We wanted to know if a plant could survive with no water and still grow. Also we wanted to see if a plant that was constantly in water could survive.
In our experiment we learned that over watering and under watering a plant does not effect the growth or height of the plant.
During our project we chose to over water and underwater our variables. We wanted to starve half of them and suffocate the other half.
We learned that under watering and over watering plants helped them grow big and tall. Our control plants actually ended up short and stubby. They barely grew.
We could has tested the salinity of the water instead of the water amount. We would have water the variable and the control the same amount of water. But we would have watered the variable with water that contained salt.

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Period 2, Lindsay and Olivia

By Student

Plant project.