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Abigail Hobbs

Abigail Hobbs, a “confessed witch” who became a hostile witness.

MARY WARREN, with hysterical fright: What’s got her? Abigail stares in fright at Betty. Abby, she’s going to die! It’s a sin to conjure, and we-ABIGAIL, starting for Mary: I say shut it, Mary Warren!

ABIGAIL: I never sold myself! I’m a good girl! I’m a proper girl!
ABIGAIL: She made me do it! She made Betty do it!

Abigail is quick to throw the blame on Tituba, her uncles slave, who is easily a more convincible witch than some harmless seventeen year old. She can't grow up and take charge for her actions and thus becomes hostile in trying to throw them onto someone else.

Abigail can be a very controlling and scheming young woman. Once she realizes she can't talk her way out of what happened she must control the voices of the others involved. She has to be the one to figure out how to talk her way out of the blame.

Blair from Gossip Girl is similar to Abigail because she is also a cunning teen who is in control of a lot of people. They all listen to her, and just like Abby, if she were to give names of people for anything, everyone would believe her. Blair had people convinced that a teacher was sleeping with a student. She has power, money, and minions who follow her.

Blair is also a bad influence on Chuck, or Proctor, and manages to seduce him while Chuck is dating another woman. I think Gossip Girl based some of their plot off of the Crucible because of all these huge similarities.

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Crucible Act One

By Clair Lynch