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Prophet Moosa realized these people wouldn't change so he gathered the people of Bani Israa'eel and left for Palestine as Allah ordered. Fir'aun learned about their escape and followed them with a huge army. When the Bani Israa'eel reached the Red Sea they saw Fir'aun approaching and were about to give up. However, Prophet Moosa  called to Allah and struck the waters of the sea with his stick and the waters parted, making a dry path. The people rushed through and crossed safely. When Fir'aun saw the path he entered the sea at the head of his army. But while he was in the middle of the sea the waters suddenly closed around him and his men and he died while saying he believed in The Lord of Musa. But it was too late.

The Parting Of The Red sea

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Prophet Musa and the Pharoh Firaun

By MaryluvsPie