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Roles in Maya Society

Like other societies such as India and Japan, the Maya had a hierarchy made up of upper and lower class

The upper consisted of the blatant positions of king, priests, warriors, and merchants

People believed these rulers were related to god and were to be treated as such through beautiful clothing and jewelry

Job Descriptions-
Priests~ born into their job, led religious ceremonies
Warriors~ fought battles against other Mayan cities
Merchants~directed trade, organized transportation and distribution

Most of Mayan population was made of farming families

Girls learned to knit and men crafted household tools

Farmers used crops as payment for taxes and served in the army when there was war

Slaves, like other societies, held the lowest position and if you were an orphan or slave's child, you were born into slavery

Lower class supported upper with food and labor, and upper class supported lower with religious ceremonies (great trade)

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By genevieveh2182