Remember, our programs have the capacity to turn people on ,or, turn them off. Therefore, we should be careful to promote programs that are applicable, progressive, inclusive and fun to participate in. Some programs will work in the summer but not in the winter, some with young players but not old players, some with girls but not with boys, etcetera, etc.
Advance planning is needed, as is a commitment for ALL CURRICULUM to be CALENDAR READY ready at least six months into the future. When planning curriculum there is no 'one plan fits all clubs' method so be prepared to spend time and give thought to your planning, it will greatly aid you further down the line. Successful programs can be run time and time again.
Regardless of if we are a tight-knit club or loosely gathered individual teams it is imperative we take time and review our programs on a regular basis, needs will change over time. We should involve all our coaches in this process to keep the program content relevant and up to date.
Let's take a look at the following programs then give thought to our own club. Think, 'What programs can I/WE offer at my club?' Here are a few examples. Go on, get to it, off you trot!