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Aryan Religion Beliefs and Literature
Chapter 3 Section 1

Aryans were polytheistic who worshipped gods and goddesses of natural forces such as rain, sun and wind. The chief Aryan deity is known as Indra, the god of war who used thunderbolts to slay demons and announce the arrival of rain, an important necessity to the Aryans. Some other major gods are the god of order and creation, Varuna and Agni, the god of fire and the messenger who communicated human wishes to the gods. Aryans believed that if called on, the gods could give them health, victory and wealth. The most powerful of all of the gods and goddesses was brahman. He was a spiritual power that existed beyond all things. Aryans also believed in mysticism which is to seek direct communion with divine forces. Mystics practiced meditation and yoga. Aryans also believed in animal deities.

By about 500 BC the Indian civilizations had lots of rival kingdoms. The written language that was used by priests to write sacred traditions, Sanskrit, was being used more and more in literature. The Aryans managed to maintain strong oral tradition by memorizing and reciting ancient hymns and epic poems. Indian epics combine history, mythology, adventure and religion. For example, the Mahabharata, India's most famous epic, tells of warfare and religion in 100,000 verses. Ramayana teaches the values of behavior.

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India Chapter 3 WHCP

By Jessica Zakhary