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Happy 60th Mark!

I want you to know that you have always told me what a great sister I was to you but now I have the chance to tell you what an amazing brother you have been to me!

Not sure if you remember that you tried to teach me to dive off the high board at Broad Ripple Park. After numerous climbs and chickening out as you yelled that I could do it, I finally dove off the high dive. The pain from the belly flop and knocking the wind out of me stopped me from trying again but at least you believed in me that I could do it.

Not sure if you remember you and I watching that little tv in Mom’s sewing room and we decided to pool what little money we had to buy a Jack’s pizza. Everyone else was either gone or in bed. I ran down the alley (not wise move) and picked up the pizza at 42nd and college. I held that pizza tight to my chest and ran like the wind. You were standing out in the alley behind the Fishers and yelling are you ok? When we got back inside my shirt was coated with grease from the pizza through the box but we happily devoured it anyway.

Not sure if you remember we both worked at Foremost Insurance at the same time but drove separately. We both stopped at Roselyns bakery every morning to buy some big pastry that we ate once we were at work.

Not sure if you remember I was working at Indiana Bell and I get a call from you saying to cancel your phone line in the basement as you decided at the last minute to quit your job and move to Florida with Billy and Colleen who were visiting at the time. I yelled and yelled and you said sorry I have to go. One of the best decisions you made as that lead to you joining the Air Force.

Not sure if you remember when I came out for the BIG hike and we went snowshoeing first to acclimate me to the altitude. You said you and Dakota would be right there with me the whole time. As I fell further and further behind you were both little spots on the horizon and all I could remember is you told me to look tall if and when the mountain lion appeared. Lucky for me, the lion did not show up and I was too out of breath and exhausted to yell and scream too much about it.

I could ask you so many if you remember stories but all I really want you to remember is that I am very blessed to call you my brother and wish for many happy and healthy years for you!

I love you Mark! Enjoy your very special day.

Your big sis,


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Happy Birthday Mark

By Sr. Kathleen

Notes from Mark's family for his bday