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Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, Texas at around 12:30 pm.

Bullets struck the president's head and neck and slumped over on Mrs. Kennedy. Gov. Connally was also hit in the chest but survived.

Kennedy was declared dead at around 1:00 pm

Lyndon B. Johnson was swore into office the same day.

The Zapruder Film is the not the only footage of the shooting, but it's the most famous because it captures the shot taken at Kennedy's head.

LHO was shot and killed by Jack Ruby as he was transferred the county jail on Nov. 24, 1963

Since Kennedy's assassination many theories have come to light: more than one shooter, the magic bullet, coup d'état, mafia ordered a hit, and more.

Movies have also swayed public opinion. The film JFK was ranked the 5th most controversial movie when it was released. The movie was attacked for months before and after its release for historical inaccuracies.

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By Sara1102