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Battle cont.

On 28-29 July 1942, the Japanese advanced to Kokoda village, engaging in battle with the Papuan Infantry and the Australian 39th Infantry. But even with the Australians’ stubborn resistance, Kokoda fell to the larger and stronger Japanese group, and were forced to fall back to Deniki. Australian 39th Batallion re-take Kokoda between the 1-8 August. On August 7 more allied troops land at Guadacanal. However on 8-13 August Japanese take the city again, pushing the Australians back to Isurava. Here the Battle of Isurava occurs. The Japanese were victorious, but failed their main aim, to completely destroy the Maroubra Force. The Australians begin a tactical fighting withdrawal at the end of August, keeping the Japanese from advancing, and cutting off their supplies.

September 6-9 sees the Battle of Brigade Hill occur, where the Japanese overran the Ausralians, with devastating losses, thus its other name, "Butchers Hill".

Days later the Australians were ag
ain forced to Ioribaiwa, where the Battle of Ioribaiwa occurred between 11-16 September. This is as far as the Japanese advanced, and they were within sight of Port Moresby. However, though the Japanese troops cried with happiness in seeing the sea at Port Moresby, they were called to withdraw the troops and retreat. The Japanese were so low on supplies, they were down to less than 1 cup of rice a day.

The Australians had withdrawn back too, closer to the port. They prepared for a final defence on Imita Ridge on 17 September 1942. The Japanese never arrived.

From this point the Australians mounted their attack, pushing the Japanese back along the Kokoda trail.

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Kokoda Campaign

By Clare