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Aquatic Life

The Fire coral is a technically not coral since they are more closely related to Hydrozoans. They are one of the rarest species of coral in the world, thought to be found only in the Pacific Ocean, but now also around Walla Island.

Another coral we are studying is called the Anchor coral. It can grow up to 10cm tall and has T-shaped tips. This coral is found around Australia and I'd a lot like it's relative; The hammer coral Euphyllia Fimbrita.

Coral Reefs



Whitebaits are small fish found around New Zealand they are actually the juveniles of 5 other species of fish. Banded Kokopu's have numerous pale strips across their body and can grow up to 26cm. The Giant Kokopu is a threatened native fish, it likes to hide and prefers gentle streams. Inango's are also found in slow moving streams, they have gold flecky skin like white baits. The best climber from all of them is the Koaro. They have distinctive greenish-Brown patterns and can grow to 18cm. The Kiwi of the water world is the short jaw Kokopu. It is secretive, nocturnal and threatened.

The Underwater world is the least explored place in the world which means we don't know much about it, although we say it is the most beautiful and mysterious place. From their animals to their plants this city has the most unusual and unique, but they are at high risk for many reasons. The main reason is because of global warming, the habitats become to hot for some species that they slowly disappear from the world. In this situation it is because of the tsunami, it has such power that some school of fish or colones of coral have been wiped away on the beach. The effects from this are that some fish might have landed on the island and out are out of breath, the coral that have landed on the beach have made a mess and these marine species are unnatural to the Island. Here are some of the corals and marine animals that will be effected.

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Environmental Management Plan

By Vanny

This is a pretend environmental management plan the grade 6s are doing for a project in science