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Include a short description of the carnivores that lived during this era

The Animal life

Humans were once animals billions of years ago, but as time passed the changed and adapt to the environment. First there was the Australopithecus which was 60cm shorter and 30kg less then the average human today. After that came the Homo Habilis who made the first tools and could speak, the third one, Homo Erectus, was the most developed it discovered fire and hunted in groups. Then the Homo Neanderthalensis which were the first who buried their dead and specialised in tools and then there is the Homo sapien which is us. So if humans we were really animals then can the other animals make a revolution like the human being. This is why it is highly important to keep our animals safe and study them. They also provide us with clothes, food and milk although already many animals have been extinct. Now the government is trying everything to keep them safe we are doing the same with Walla Island.

The Thylacine is a extinct animal, it is the largest known carnivorous marsupial. This animal is mainly called the Tasmanian tiger or Tasmanian wolf.

The Tasmanian devil is also a carnivorous marsupial from the family of Dasyuridae. It is now only found in the wild of Tasmania. It is believed that the devil migrated from South America to Australia tens of millions of years ago and they evolved as Australia became more arid. A breakthrough discovery has happened on Walla Island, Scientists have discovered a pack of Tasmanian wolfs and Many Devils scattered around the rainforest.

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Environmental Management Plan

By Vanny

This is a pretend environmental management plan the grade 6s are doing for a project in science