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Herbert Hoover(1929-1933)

Birthdate: August 10,1874

Birthplace: West Branch, Iowa

Death date: October 20, 1964(90 years of age)

Political Party: Republican


1st Election:

- the year 1928

- Democratic Opponent: Al Smith

- Percent Popular Vote: Hoover with 58.2%; Al Smith had a 40.9% vote

2nd Election:

- the year 1932

- Democratic Opponent: Franklin D. Roosevelt

- Percent Popular Vote: Hoover lost with 39.7%; FDR had 57.4%

Life After Presidency:

- Took part in many Relief Foundations

- Made bitter attack on FDR's New Deal Programs

- remained active in party politics

Career Before Presidency:

- Business in Gold Mines

- Government work during World War I

- Director of Presidents Supreme Economic Council

- Aid in Relief Efforts

Defining Moments:

1) The London Naval Treaty is signed on April 22nd of 1930. This treaty regulated submarine welfare and limited naval shipbuilding. Herbert Hoover was acting as a Chief Executive by signing the treaty.

2) The construction of the Hoover Dam began on September 17th of 1930. The Hoover Dam gives power to Las Vegas, while also giving flood control and water storage. Hoover acted as a Chief Executive.

3) On July 28th of 1932, Hoover orders Bonus Army Dispersion. Veterans were marching on the White House for not receiving a pay, Hoover ordered the army to disperse them. He was acting as the Command in Chief in this situation.

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Executive Branch Project

By Casey Saltzburg