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Confederate states of America

As the Civil war was going on, 11 Southern Staes joined together to form a confederate government system. Formed in February 1861the Confederate States of America left the Union(federal Government) to conserve slavery and political liberty for the white community. But shorty the United States took action. It all started in Fort Sumter war(Civil War), it lasted 4 years. In the end the United States got control over the states.

The South Government


While states were joining together they made the Mexican war hero Jefferson Davis president of the new form of government. The Confederate Constitution was almost exactly the same as the U.S but the difference was instead of the President serving a 4 year term it will be six and the President would have power to strike down a portion of a bill and accept the other portion this is called the line-item veto. To insure that the states have the majority power over the central government they made a decision in where the government of Confederacy could not overrule a state courts decision. Also they did not create a Supreme Court because they could not agree in what it will be used for.

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Three types of government

By esmeralda