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Human activity has enhanced the greenhouse by burning natural gas, coal and oil- including petrol for vehicles- as this increase the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The land-use changes and farming raises the levels of methane and nitrous oxide. Factories produce long-lasting industrial gases that are not natural to the atmosphere yet contribute significantly to the enhanced greenhouse effect. The cutting down of trees in forests is also contributing to the greenhouse effect as trees use the carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, giving off oxygen in its place, which helps keep the atmosphere at an ideal balance of gases. Population growth also contributes 

to the greenhouse effect as more people use the fossil fuels 

for transportation, manufacturing and heat the level of gases 

increase in the atmosphere. As the need for food grows with 

the population so does the farming, this is also increasing the 

greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Essentially, the more 

greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the more infrared 

radiation trapped, which gradually increases the 

temperature of the Earths surface.

How Human Activities Have Enhanced The Greenhouse Effect

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Greenhouse Gases and The Greenhouse Effect

By Rylee