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Louis XIII's chief minister from 1624-1642.




• Eliminated political and military rights of Huguenots and preserved their religious privileges. He made Huguenots more reliable.

• Had a network of spies to spy on nobles and uncover their plots, he executed the conspiracies and eliminated the major threat to royal authority.

• Sent intendants to execute orders of central government in order to strengthen central admission. The intendants had a conflict with provincial governors and were victorious in many of the disputes and this helped them strengthen the crown.

• Richelieu was not as capable in financial matters. State finances were corrupt, but many people benefited from the inefficiency and injustice. This caused massive resistance when the government tried insituting reforms.

• Taille was increased in 1643 by two and a half.

• Foreign policy goal of confronting Habsburgs power led to ever increasing expenditures, which outstripped the additional revenues. French debt continued Spiraling upward under Richelieu.

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It's good to king

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