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Of Gifted Times

There are oft times where I might have a singular experience, upon which I think not much. Whether it a conversation partook, a melody overheard, a meal tasted. I may have devoted a certain level of awareness to it, or simply relinquished responsibility to my subconscious to tend and store. One such happenstance by its own likely will not hold much significance to even the respective hour, but every once in the times, life will find this blend of assorted subtleties that form into this absolutely enchanting feeling created for me solely.

When the scent of another's cologne that lingers on my collar from morning hits my senses in the same accord with the colour palette of my children's clothing, accented by the texture of my own beard to my own skin, and they combine to a sensation of perfection that is puzzling, and most exciting; that is a gifted time. Making me wish to immortalize that feeling not only inside myself, but in a palpable form for all to know and be touched by it as I have. Making me feel if for that moment I was capable of creating art in any form I so wished, that rivaled in beauty, strength, and purity with the greatest artists I have ever admired. Instilling a feeling inside -- though the moment last not but an actual short period of time, its effects always an element -- that in this world there are things that are meant to be, senses that treat the soul fresh, moments that know perfect.

Never to be attempted to duplicate, and never to be expected to manifest, I have learned. It is something of an elusive experience, usual is such the case with beauty. It is specific to the moment in time, from the moment in time. Deriving from not only my surroundings, but from the theme of my thoughts, what was known and unknown to me, things that change with every passed minute. To borrow text from a great mind of our time, Maya Alexandria Stewart,

" it's these bleak dances that come forth, not even worth pronouncing. but there is that time, where the world works for you. take that time, and that is your worth. "

It is not something to pursue, a try to concoct the right blend of sensuous textures, for that leads to nothing special; but something to be cherished whensoever life elects to bestow it upon I in the form of her choosing. And when 'the world works for me', I can choose to wholly absorb that intimidating, tranquil, invigorating feeling, and allow it to equip, encourage, and embolden me to treat my life and/or my art with a tenderness and an element of beauty only acquired in such a moment of time.

------ maya alexandria stewart. 2012. ------

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Maya Alexandria Stewart - Author

By jas

Bio and other writings from the author of Tender Absurdities