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The end design shows an unactivated texture on the left side following into the back with a highly activated on the left side creating an asymmetrical design with texture and movement.

10. Continue the next sectioning using the same method on until you reach the fourth section, weave a zig zag parting small enough to see through and lay it on your previously wrapped tools,

11. Weave another section of hair and you will now use the orange rod for a bigger curl project this also at 90 degrees and use the same method of wrapping continue down this section with orange rods.

12 directly behind the rectangle parting take a section the same diameter as your small tool and wrap.

12. Work towards the back using what we call a "bricklay" method you stagger them to off set and achieve no holes or break in the design.

13. Check tools & bands to ensure all are facing up and visible in all areas.

14. Apply barrier cream around hairline and ears. Position cotton on top of barrier cream to protect the skin from chemicals.

15. Mix your solution, hand your guest a towel to cover their face from drips and saturate hair in the rods top, bottom and inside the holes.

16. Take cotton off and apply new cotton Begin timing solution can stay on anywhere between 21-25 minutes. Put pop up bag on top of hair.

17. Take test strands every 5 minutes. A good test strand will show am "s" shape without tension.

18. Once a good test strand is found take guest to a sink and rinse with as warm water as they can handle for 5 minutes, once finished take a towel and blot it dry until no water droplets form on your hands when placed on rods. Change towel if wet Apply new cotton

19. apply neutralizer allow 5 minutes to fully saturate the hair. Apply new cotton.

20. Take out perm rods and keep in sink run the rest of neutralizer through hair, rinse with warm water for 5 minutes. Ensure all solutions are out of the hair

21. Condition the hair.

22. Bring guest back to chair, hair cut & style the hair with a curl cream using a diffuser.

23. Go over follow up directions with client no shampooing for 48 hours or hot tools.

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By blush