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High School teacher Shannon Parker simply wanted to acquire a few interesting antique knick-knacks at an auction, but then she purchased a vase with the Celtic goddess Epona on it, and her world changes as the vase somehow transports her into the world of Partholon. In this world, she's treated like a goddess and is actually known as The Goddess Incarnate of Epona, but it seems she has replaced someone--a very temperamental woman named Rhiannon who was raised as the chosen of the goddess. While this has some very appealing moments, (because what woman doesn't like a little pampering now and then?) it comes with a ritual marriage to a centaur and the threat of a war against the evil Fomorians. Also, everyone unfortunately dislikes her because they think she's her double who really was not the nicest lady. Rhiannon actually seems to have left her people to fend for themselves as she escapes to Shannon's life. Shannon adjusts to her new life and comes to love it, and learns that Epona really chose her. She leads to the salvation of her new world and falls in love with her husband.



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Mythology Theme Project

By qazwazsazeaz