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The contrasting themes and traditions in Classical and Baroque Sculpture


Silver Mining

From a positive perspective (benefiting mostly the Spanish), the encomienda system did allow the Spanish to extract resources, letting them to get the most out of their land..

However, the overall result was negative.

The system made it difficult to attract more Spanish to colonize.

The indigenous peoples were treated extremely poorly, abused and exploited to great extent. They were overworked, and the landowners exerted little effort into caring for the workers.

The system didn’t last, and instead, a debt peonage system was used to get workers. This involved the exchange of loans (for supplies) with labor, but was also detrimental to the workers, who were underpaid and always in debt.

Silver Mining Effects

After years of forced labor, the system also led to the resistance of laborers, taking form in violent rebellion, retreat, and half-hearted effort.

Attacks were led against authorities. In a particular instance, native Popé murdered the colonists and expelled the Spanish for the next 12 years. Another revolt involved advocates of Túpac Amaru, the last Incan ruler killed by the Spanish. This rebellion lasted for two years before its termination and execution of those involved.

A different approach was taken by Guaman Poma, who reached out to the highest of Spanish authorities, King III for aid, but his letter seeking help was never seen. However, its 1,200 pages and numerous drawings serve as a document depicting the tragedies and deaths experienced by the natives, portraying concepts of overtaxation, prostitution, rapism, abuse, and disease.


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The New World

By Joni Goh