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Foreign Policies and Issues

    The foreign affairs for Monroe consisted of Spanish Florida battles and the Monroe Doctrine. The Spanish Florida battles were when general Andrew Jackson was sent into Florida to stop the Seminoles from harboring run away slaves and attacking white settlements. Congress was angered by Jackson because they thought that he had gone to far with his actions. The Monroe Doctrine was a US foreign policy regarding Latin American countries. It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression, requiring U.S. intervention.

     Not much occurred during Quincy Adams presidency with foreign affairs. He was prevented from sending delegates to talk with the new Latin American committee.southerners and Jacksonians were mostly opposed to sending delegates. They felt it was wrong to send Americans to talk with mixed raced and African-American people.

    The Jackson Administration was not focused on foreign affairs. They did though sign several treaties to secure America's trading options. He also dealt with a conflict with France because of Napoleonic depredations on American shipping. He messed up dealing with Mexico over expanding territory because he chose a delegate who was not fit for the responsibility of his job.

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The Presidents from 1817- 1837

By Madison