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- Introduction of the candidate and the interviewers

- Tell the candidates the interview would take around 30 minutes and to kindly please turn their phones off or to silent mode

- Have a short polite chat with the candidate. ask them about: their day, how they are feeling, where they heard about AIESEC, just to make them feel more comfortable

Interview Structure

Phase 1: 

The Introduction

Phase 2:

The Interview

Phase 3:

The Closing

- The core of the interview 

- Should be an open communication 

- Don’t be suggestive, closed or too hypothetical in your questioning

- Give the interviewee time and space to speak don’t rush them or hasten their responses too much

- Take down notes very carefully making sure to outline key things of what they say and not of your interpretation of their responses

- Gives space to Allow the candidate to ask questions

- Thank the candidate and tell him/her that the interview is closed.
- Tell how and when the results of the Selection Process will be communicated.

- Shake their hand and smile

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AIESEC in Albania | Selection Interview Guide

By CarlChiang