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Having had zero training, never once walked, never having the opportunity to be a puppy, all Bear wanted to do was please those caring for him in rescue. Without ever having the opportunity to list sweet Bear as available for adoption, a lovely couple from Vermont travelled to Quebec. Driving 10 hours to visit him, they adopted Bear on January 11th-2014 & took him home to the United States. Bear is the first Compassionate Animal Adoption rescue to become an un-official USA Ambassador.

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Bear, A Canadian Rescue Story 💜

By LA Bowden

Bear is a testament to what often is a brutal Canadian winter & the hope of what was to be a better life than that which he has left behind 🐾 Please read & share his story & inspire others to consider adopting a rescue animal 💜 Every week a selected animal rescue story will be featured from a chosen rescue somewhere throughout Canada 📜 Highlighting the rescue volunteers, the animals they save, the obstacles they must overcome & their happily forever after 💜 The most resilient animals on Earth are rescue animals 🐾