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Welcome to SWANA! This is the region includes Southwest Asia and North Africa. The climate is Arid which is hot and dry and Mediterranean which has hot and dry summers and cool and wet winters. This region is full of rugged hillsides, plateaus and deserts. The population is very dense in the moist slopes of the Atlas Mountains, and the coastal districts as well as the fertile land near the Nile River. The hot and dry deserts are scarcely populated because there isn't a lot of water or high living standards. There is a lot of political tension about power and control of some important pieces of land like the Sinai peninsula and the Suez Canal. This tension between countries also has to do with religions. After the Ottoman Empire fell, Jews started migrating to Palestine. This caused a huge clash of religions, so the territory was split into two countries. One was predominantly Muslim and the other was predominantly Jewish. This upset many Palestines who were forced to flee to neighboring countries.


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SWANA project

By Sarika

This is for world geography.