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Animal adaptations
Behavioral adaptations
- what an animal's behaviors are or how it acts in order to survive.
Birds migrating
The birds migration process helps the birds to survive because they fly south to find and have a warmer climate and have more amounts of food.
Nocturnal owls
The reason owls are nocturnal is so they can eat and therefore survive. Since owls have amazing eyesight at night they get to sneak up on their prey when their prey can't see the owl.
Moles burrowing
The reason moles burrow is because they need food and inside the soil there are insects like worms That the mole needs.
Fish swarming
The reason fish swarm is because it allows them to accomplish things that the fish couldn't do alone such as defending themselves from larger predators.
An armadillo rolling into a ball
The reason an armadillo rolls up into a ball is because its hard outer shell in which it rolls into protects the armadillo form harmful predators and therefore keeps it safe.
Click here to see a chart of North Texas animal tracks!