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Martin Luther & John Calvin & King Henry 8th

-Martin Luther,priest wrote 95 theses nailed it to church doors on October 31, 1517
-printing press allowed 95 these to spread among people
-Luther believed that as long as you believed in God,lived by the Bible, your soul would be saved
-95 theses contained complaints against Catholic Church and Luther's own beliefs
-Luther called heretic, excommunicated, Protestants sided with him,caused split in Roman Catholic chruch
-John Calvin from main teaching predestination-god knew who would be saved before born nothing would change god's mind, important to live good life, obey God's laws
-1541religious/political leader in Geneva Switzerland him/followers called Calvinists, passes law for teachings
-believed people generally sinful banned entertainment thought distracted from religion
-Henry 8th major figure of Reformation had no sons wanted divorce pope refused didn't obey
-1534 declared new church Church of England,Anglican Church allows divorce

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Protestant Reformation

By diana