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-goal to overthrow Catholic church
-Printing Press created first bible and gave power to the people
-Humanism encouraged people not to focus on church so much
-Bible encouraged people to learn to read and write
-(Protest)ant Catholic Church
-(Reform)ation Catholic Church
-rChurch made indulgences-relaxation of penalties for sins people have committed
-Indulgences sold to people church got more power/money
-power to rich/church no longer people
-Martin Luther wrote 95 these-complains against Catholic Church
-sided and protested against Catholic Church with Luther called protestants

-Luther started Reformation,never wanted to leave Catholic Church, wanted to correct mistakes
-Luther excommunicated,former priest married-broke Catholic Church priest teaching
-John Calvin teaching- predestination
-Idea that God knew who would be saved before they were born,live a good life and obey God's laws
-King Henry 8 wanted divorce from wife, church/pope wouldn't allow started own church didn't obey pope
-made church of England
-similar to Catholic Church, but allow divorce

Protestant Reformation

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Protestant Reformation

By diana