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Jesus Is Condemned to Death
Benjamin Stahl
20th Century
-overall red color hue, dulled
-Jesus on the right, face hidden in shadow
-Pontius Pilate on left, leaning forward
-blotchy, tense, smeared texture
-cross visible in right corner
-complex, compound, implied shapes
-dynamic, angry, edge, and implied lines
-composition purposely unbalanced to put emphasis on Jesus...heavy on left but only Jesus on right
-drawn instantly to Pontius Pilate's face, as he is the only figure not sitting/standing upright (leaning on a diagonal towards Jesus)
-from his face, directed towards what he is looking at...Jesus
-white, monotone clouds: hold painting together, keep the red hues from becoming overbearing, act as a negative space around Christ's head
-dark, bold lines single out Jesus from all, making him the focal point
Dark and malicious, the painting perfectly represents the atmosphere of Jesus' trial. With red swirling colors and cruel faces, Stahl strives to exhibit the malevolent viciousness with so much force it is almost overbearing. Standing defiantly on the right, the powerful Jesus is shrouded in darkness, not so much to show that he is dark but to accentuate the scene and isolate him from the sinners. Pilate himself is leaning forward, interested, trying to find fault in a man who is not guilty.