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-figure centered perfectly in the middle, creating balance
-dark background isolates girl and enhances the visible muscle and form
-the dark negative space, with no distractions, gives the eye a chance to appreciate her form and movement
-implied lines of the shadows and diagonal lines create movement and emotion
-a dancer in mid-jump
-all black except for light shading at the bottom and the girl in the middle
-muscles visible and isolated
-light brown leotard, barely distinguishable from her skin tone
-edge, implied, diagonal, passionate lines
This photo, serious and exuberant all at once, does not dabble in intricacy but instead goes straight to the central message of power and passion. Suspended in air, the girl seems almost to be flying, her expression one of deep concentration and yet intense joy. Her muscles defined by the dark background only add electrifying presence and emphasize the incredible power behind such a leap. Flooded with light, viewers can't help but be rocked to the core as emotions of grace and passion flow over them.
Photographer unknown
21st Century