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Statue of Athena Parthenos

Artist: Phidias
Title: Athena Parthenos
Date: 447 BC
Medium: ivory statue
Provence: Athens, Greece

Description: The Athenian statue is enormous and over 11 meters tall. Athena is decorated in white and gold jewels from head to toe. The statute follows a normal body shape and stands upright, holding a small statue of Nike. She also has a shield to her left that is made as the same material as her body. Her hair and face are feminine and she is not smiling.

Analysis: This statue is beautiful shaped so that the dress she is wearing drapes against her body in a very life-like manner. The clever use of different physical elements give the sculpture a more "grand feel". She holds a shield and a statue to emphasize the importance of this piece of art. The texture seems to look like it would be rock-solid but smooth to the touch. Ivory was hard to work with and very rare at that time. The bright gold clothes and crown were made by real gold to express the importance of Athena.

Interpretation: The gods were an enormous part of Greek society and religion. Artist created this stud as a ode to the God Athena. She is symbloized as strong with her carefully placed shield and the symbol for victory in her hand. The draping of the cloth and shape give Athena a very regal appeal. The viewer's eyes is drawn to the gold patterns near her head on her crown which is detailed.

Judgement: I personally loved the gorgeous gown and crown she is wearing. The objects are wound her are befitting of a goddess of war and bravery. Her face is startling at first, but the pounds of gold on her divert the eye away.

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Theme Project- Art

By Olivia Stevens