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Egyptian Religion

Their religion was based on polytheism, the worship of many gods. The Egyptians had as many as 2000 gods and goddesses. Some were worshipped throughout the whole country, while others were only local. Temples were considered dwelling places for the gods. Each city had a temple built for the god and/or goddess of that city. As the Priests became more powerful, tombs became a part of the great temples. The Priests were to care for the gods and attend to their needs. Egyptians saw death as a transitional stage. They believed they could only reach their full potential after they died. Each person was to have 3 souls- "ka", "ba", and "akh". For these three souls to function properly, it was considered essential for the body to stay intact. The Egyptians belief of rebirth after death became their driving force behind their funeral rituals.

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Egypt Profect

By Valeria