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I'm going to do things my own way.

On April 14th, 1978 the first amazing person in my book was born. Her name was April East, but before you ask, no her mom didn't name her April because she was born in April. Let me start off by saying, yes this is my mom, I mean it's weird she inspired me right? I'm totally being sarcastic, she's a very important person in my life, probably the most important. Although the others in this book follow a close second. Anyway back to April, she described her childhood as interesting, but not something she would ever want me to experience. Her mom and dad divorced very young and her step dad was a giant jerk. He wasn't a jerk in the sense of “like wow so and so is a huge jerk” no he was manipulative and just not a very nice person. She is the product of blended families and many times it's hard to get along with people like that. She married young, younger than she should have. She was meek and mild and put up with a lot of stuff she shouldn't have. She finally decided enough was enough and they divorced in 2007. Her blended family drama wasn't the only part of her childhood though, April said “ my favorite part of my childhood was playing with my cousins or going to my grandma's for a cousin sleepover.” April described her grandma and here’s what she came up with, “ grandma brown was a hoot, she was always doing something funny, silly, or wacky. How could you not love her? I miss her a great deal. She had a sassy side that was bossy… I guess what they say about genetics is true.” Given the stories I've heard I'm surprised but April said that the time she was happiest was when she was a kid, mainly because there was a lot less responsibility. However she also said, “I'm pretty happy right now, life's kinda stressful but I'm dating someone who is good to me and you. We balance each other out. Plus we enjoy embarrassing you with our fake fights in public.” For April, she's saddest when family members pass, many of her family members have had cancer and at one point she was traveling for her work and it was just super sucky. Her biggest achievement is none other than myself. She said “although you will have your own achievements. You are smart, funny, sometimes independent. You are very goal oriented and I don't how you got that way but I like it a lot.”

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Creative writing presentation part 2

By kelsey