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Life's a roller coaster. Learn to get on and enjoy the ride.

On May 10th, 2000 one of the greatest children to ever live was born, now, it's not me but at this point in time I am alive. No, on this day, this child bless her heart, would grow into one of the most amazing people I know was born. Her name was Michaela Marie Haskins and she has been my best friend since third grade, we have known each other since second grade when we hated each other's guts. She knows that life isn't always easy, many times she has been sad there have been times that she just didn't really feel like continuing on. She however is a strong person, though many don't see it, she carries a lot of weight upon her two narrow shoulders, she also bears the weight of others such as myself. Last year for her was especially hard, a lot of times, when she was depressed or upset she had no one to turn to. This was because she was constantly fighting with her mom, she hated it, often times she would feel helpless, like she was stuck in an abyss of nothingness. At one point it was so bad she was going to have to move in with her dad, which thankfully didn't happen because I would have been extremely lost without her. As children, we had some fights. Looking back now, I regret it because we have so much in common that we could have helped each other. I remember this one time in third grade, after she spent the night and we fought about what Disney movie we were going to watch, we took her home. As soon as she got out of the car, I turned to my dad and said “sometimes I just want to punch her in the face.” That was the year, however we grew into best friends. We only did this because we didn't know anyone else in our class. Many things have shaped her into the amazing person she is today. One major event that shaped her life is her dad leaving. Often times she misses him, for quite a while this year she didn't speak with him because of how much anger she still held. She was happiest in seventh grade, because there wasn't any drama, she misses it. She remembers being immensely happy, for Michaela that's big, because she doesn't let on to how she feels. Everything changed when she got to high school, freshman year she found herself depressed, she told me in first semester she skipped her English class a couple times because she was depressed. For me this weird because English class was what brought me out of my sad state of mind. It wasn't all bad though, she says being on colorguard helped her more than anything last year. She also says it is quite possibly her biggest achievement because she had never made a school team before. She felt like she found a place where she belongs and fits in really well. For Michaela, she has two role models. Her first one is her sister, because she has been through many things but always seems to come out of it a stronger person. She wants to have the world knock her down and be able to stand up ten feet taller than before, which is kind of selfish I mean she's already pretty tall. Her second is none other than myself, because I am confident even though I don't think so sometimes, she wants to be like that.

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Creative writing presentation part 2

By kelsey