Interactive Presentations for Active Learners
Traditional presentations are outdated for today’s modern student. Interactive presentations give instructors a way to create lessons that let students fully explore ideas and concepts and help active learners. FlowVella provides solutions to many problems instructors are facing today:
View on FlowVella – Presentation software for iPad
#1: Scattered Documents and Resources
When working on an assignment, students often find that the resources they need are scattered across various websites, such as an instructor’s website, Blackboard, Canvas or Angel. Spending time wading through all these sources can eat up precious study time and cause frustration.
The Solution
Instructors can embed web links, images, galleries, videos, and PDF documents within a presentation. Students can access each document they need and won’t have to search for them!

#2: Losing Time Transitioning Between Applications
Using traditional presentation software means that sharing a video or PDF forces the presenter or viewer to exit the slideshow and open a new program, costing valuable classroom time.
The Solution
FlowVella can display image galleries, PDF documents, videos, and websites from right in the app. This means that you do not need to spend valuable time finding and launching other programs.

#3: Losing Documents
Presentations and documents can be lost on a computer or flash drive, and it’s easy to forget a computer or flash drive at home on the day of your presentation.
The Solution
Students can access any FlowVella presentation, anytime, anywhere, with its unique URL. This unique URL can be opened on any device that has an internet connection.

#4: Difficulty Taking Notes
Most students who don’t take enough notes during the lesson lose their chance to fully digest the material. Those who do take ample notes might find that their attention is spent more on the note making than on the topic at hand.
The Solution
Students can come back to a Flow and interact with the presentation whenever they want to reread the material and supporting resources. Any Flow viewed goes straight into the “Library” where it can be retrieved later.

#5: Boring the Audience
These days, it can be difficult to capture the attention of your students. Traditional presentation software can be very static and familiar. You may see the eyes of your students glaze over when you pull up and old fashioned presentation. Many of the templates and animations simply make the presentation feel antiquated.
The Solution
Interactive presentations are interactive and engaging. With links and embedded video it is easy to add variety and depth. During the presentation, the student’s mind is stimulated and he will have an easier time staying focused. The professionally designed templates help you create presentations that are beautiful and clutter-free so that students are better able to focus on the content of the presentation. Because FlowVella isn’t bloated with outdated animations and unwanted features, you can also spend more time on developing your content, rather than fighting with the software.

#6 Conflicting with Your Student’s Learning Styles
Traditional presentations do not reflect how today’s students naturally learn outside the classroom.
The Solution
Interactive presentations work with how students organically consume content outside the classroom via social media. By including features that allow users to “like”, share and comment on Flows you can excite student’s minds through active engagement! The software stays “out of the way” and lets students learn and share in a way that feels natural to them.

Barrett Elementary School – Creative Commons Attribution Generic 2.0
FlowVella for iPad, FlowVella Education and FlowVella for Mac.
How have you utilized interactive presentations in your classroom? We’d love to hear if you’re using FlowVella!