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Paragraph 4

Bad luck ruins the dreams of all. Situations become much more difficult to be successful in when back luck comes into play. In the end of the novel, The Great Gatsby, Wilson is extremely upset about the death of his wife so while Gatsby is swimming in his marble pool Winston shots Gatsby and then himself. Gatsby was shot because Wilson strongly believes Gatsby hit and killed Myrtle with his car. It is Gatsby bad luck when Daisy was the one who hit and killed Myrtle, but yet Daisy doesn’t receive the blame for the tragedy. Being shot took not only took Gatsby’s life, but also all of his dreams. Another example of bad luck is, “It’s raining now, but there’s a drought for me. My crops are all dried up.” (Salter). The weather cannot be controlled by mankind so the enough of rain the world has is based mainly on luck. In this specific poem the lack of rain ruins the characters dream of having a successful harvest. Goal and dreams of all are often prevented by bad luck.

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By Kristen