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There are two types of Animal adaptations. There is Behavioral and Structural. Behavioral is when an animal changes it's behavior or way it does something, in order to survive. Structural adaptations are an animals physical features that help it to survive.


Birds migrating - when birds migrate south they seek to find a warm place to be during the winter time. The birds realize that if they stay up north where it is cold, they won't be able to find food and will die

Bird calls - birds call in order to find a mate and to communicate with each other in order to find food and to warn others if danger is coming. The birds are adapting for survival

Dormancy - animals conserve their energy in the cold season. They go dormant, which means they stop and rest for a long time. Organisms that do this adjust to their environment, which is a behavioral adaptation

Camouflage - animals in an environment learn to hide from their predators in order to survive. They learn to blend in with their surroundings


Sharp claws - some animals, such as lions or tigers, are born with sharp claws for tearing apart their food and climbing things. This adaptation is a physical adaptation. The animals with sharp claws learn to use their physical features to their advantage and for survival

Fur - fur keeps animals warm. Animals that are in harsh, cold environments need fur. This is a physical feature and adaptation that keeps animals warm

Wings - animals such as birds have wings so they can fly. They spot food from the sky and are safer in the sky. They use the wings to stay safe and to survive. Without wings, birds would be hunted much easier. Birds use these wings to their advantage

Large beaks - some birds have large beaks that they are born with. These beaks help them pick up fish from out of the water, peck at trees, dig for food, and many more. Birds adapt to their environment and use their physical traits to help them survive

Animal Adaptations

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7 Cycles of Life

By Mitch Marbut

Mitch marbut'a 6th period science project