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Followers of this religion are called Muslims
Islam began 1,400 years ago in Arabia. Islam means submission to the will of god. Muslims believe in one god, which they call Allah. Islam is the second largest religion in the world. There are the five basic pillars of Islam which they live by.
• Praying 5 times a day
• Giving money to charity
• Fasting
• Pilgrimage to Mecca (at least once)
• Belief that there is only only one God
Symbol: Crescent Moon
Some festivals/ ceremonies they celebrated were
• Ramadon- A month of fasting (don't eat during the daylight)
• End of Ramadon- celebrates the end of the Ramadon (fasting month)
Their divisions are
• Sunni- believed Abi Bakr should succeed Muhammad
•Shia- followed Muhammad's cousin/ son in law