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Hinduism is the third largest Religion with 900 million followers
~ Hinduism followers are called Hindus
~ Hinduism originated around Indus Valley before 2000 BCE
~ God can be seen as a mates tic king, parent figure, friend, child a beautiful woman or even a ferocious Goddess
~They believe that existence is a cycle of birth death and then rebirth
~ They have one supreme God called Brahma
~ Hindus can go to a temple and worship or makes shrines at home
~ Hindus book is called Vedic Texts and their rules are the Vedas
~ If you did good on Earth you went to Moska (liberation) if you did bad you are born into a new body
~ A leader they have can either be Guru or Sage
~ Saivism: They worship Siva as the Supreme God
~ Vaisnavism: They worship Vishnu or one of his incarnations Krishna or Rama as supreme god
~ Saktism: They worship Shakti or Devi as supreme god
~ Diwali: The Festival of Lights the best known festival