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~ Christianity followers are called Christians
~ Christianity began around 33AD or 34AD
~They believe In one God with three elements
- God the Father
- God the Son
- The Holy Spirit
~ They believe if you do good on earth you go up with god to Heaven and if you do bad you go to Hell.
~ They believe it took God six days to create the heavens and earth.
~ A leader they have is called a Bishop and a Preacher
~ The Son of God is Jesus, and they believe that he was the way to salvation
~ Their worship building is called a Church.
~ They read from the Bible and believe it the Ten Commandments.

The Cross

Christianity is the largest religion with over 2 billion followers


~ Roman Catholic: The Pope has the ultimate authority over the church
~ Eastern Orthodox: Greek or Russian churches that deny the Pope's authority
~ Protestant (Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists):moved away from the Catholic Church after the Protestant Reformation (1500)

Festivals and Celebrites:

~ Christmas: Jesus's Birth
~ Easter: The resurrection of Jesus
~ Lent: 40 days leading up to Easter-fasting
~ Baptism: Cleansed from sin
~ Communion: When you take Bread and Wine ~ ~ Bread represents Jesus's flesh and Wine represents his blood

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Religions Taylor Fihn

By Taylor Fihn