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The Aztec Empire

When the headed south, they found that all the good farm land was taken, they settled on a swampy island in the middle of Lake Texcoco

War was critical to the rise to power

They formed a secret alliance with others on Lake Texcoco

They made conquered people pay tribute (tax) with gold, cotton, or food

The Aztec controlled this huge trade network

Merchants brought goods to Aztec markets, because they traveled, they were used as spies on people in the empire (advanced thinking)

Controlling trade, war, and taxes made the Aztec rich, by 1500 they ruled most of Mesoamerica

Began partnerships with other cities and empires to build up their own

Aztec Empire had one the largest trade markets, which attracted many people from across the world

Merchants were also used as spies, while on trade they would spy on them for the rulers

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By genevieveh2182