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Economical Life of Great Zimbabwe and Kilwa

The city-state of Kilwa became very rich through their location and large trade empire that stretched throughout many countries. Kilwa was located on the East African coastline making it a primary for imports and exports that traveled on the Indian Ocean. Through trade with Great Zimbabwe Kilwa gained a large amount of gold which in turn they used as currency. Many of the countries Kilwa traded with needed their gold and other materials. Through international trade Kilwa exported ivory, copper, and iron and received many materials such as porcelain that they could not produce. Through their overseas trade and constant supply of gold, Kilwa became one of the most wealthy and powerful territories in all of Africa.

Great Zimbabwe's diverse trade networks were a reason for its wealth. They traded with Kilwa, Malindi, and Mogadishu. All of this nations were on the East African coast which in turn provided Great Zimbabwe with a number of different and unique resources that they could not produce. One of the biggest products for Great Zimbabwe was gold which they got from their many mines. They used their surplus of gold to trade with countries outside of Africa including parts of China and India. The empire could also sustain itself through rich farmland and large amounts of cattle. This factors along with their many connections in trading made Great Zimbabwe an powerful and wealthy nation.

An ancient African sculpture made of gold. 👇

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Great Zimbabwe and Kilwa

By Matthew