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Quotes- " Then Darry said I'll take anyone." // " The moment either one of them swung a punch, the rumble would be on." // " Darry turned to see who it was, and Paul swung---a hand right to the jaw that would have felled anyone but Darry" // "We won! Dally panted. We beat the Socs " // pg.146-148

The Rumble

The connection that the song & the rumble have in common is that the rumble involves violence and it has to do with winning. The violence comes from part in the scene where Paul throws the first punch and the whole rumble begins with people jumping on top of each other, pinning and slugging the sense out of each other.

We gon' hit 'em wit' the left (left) hit 'em wit' the right (right)

We gon' hit 'em wit' the left (left) hit 'em wit' the right (right)

It's a fight, it's a fight, head buss'em, head buss'em

It's a fight, it's a fight, head buss'em, head buss'em

(It's on) see I'm the king of the ring

Ring the bell and I'm comin' out swing swing

Swingin' left, swingin' rights 'til they ding ding

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The outsiders

By michelle