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The summer of 1914 Edith Cavell was on a vacation in England when the news that Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated.

Her family strongly encouraged her to stay in England but Cavell believed that she was needed in Brussels.

When Germany invaded Belgium the hospital Cavell worked at began helping the wounded from both sides.

I would describe Edith Cavell as a neutral person in the war.

During the war there were posters all over Brussels warning that "Any male or female who hides an English or French soldier in his house shall be severely punished."

In spite of these warnings Edith Cavell's hospital continued to tend to wounded Allied soldiers. Once the Allied soldiers were better the Red Cross hospital helped them escape to safety.

Sources say "Soon Edith was persuaded to make room for some of the unfortunates who were not wounded but merely fleeing the Germans" .

With all the recent activity of the hospital the Germans began watching the hospital very closely.

Friends of Cavell warned her that the Germans suspected her in aiding the Allied. But Edith Cavell's bravery and patriotism overruled the warnings.

And So The War Begins

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World War One Important Person

By brownac