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Death by Execution

August 15 1915 Edith Cavell was arrested and charged for assisting the enemy and interfering with Germans plans.

Cavell was held "incommunicado" for ten weeks. Her lawyer couldn't even visit her until the day her trail began. (October 7th).The trail lasted for 2 days and each person found guilty was told to be sentenced to death for treason.

Edith's lawyer was very persuasive in her case , however Cavell refused to lie to save her life. Edith Cavell pleaded guilty in assisting over 200 Allied warriors. Evidence of of letters written to Cavell for thanks were used against her.

Many Allied leaders attempted to save her. They tried everything they could but still couldn't get the judge to reverse his decision. Edith's family and close friends were afraid for her however she wasn't. Her last words include "I want my friends to know that I willingly give my life for my country. I have no fear nor shirking. I have seen death so often that it is not strange or fearful to me" .

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World War One Important Person

By brownac