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I feel super stressed and I know what your thinking how can a thirteen year old be stressed?
Ugh, school, family, siblings, friends they all annoy me and get me frustrated
Literally all they do is nag and pile one thing one another like too much peanut butter on a slice of bread.
They call me sassy, yeah I'm not gonna lie, i am one sassy Asian.
Fights with my friends put me in cranky moods.
I wish I was in love I could be writing a sweet poem but it ain't happening.
I'm in bad moods these days and my sister and mom affect it more.
Literally, I want to just ignore everyone and be like talk to the booty cause the hand is on duty.
Gossip, stress, lying I wanna all tear them apart.
Why can't everything just be peachy? Why can't they just listen and stop talking for once?
They act like they know everything when they actually don't.
Listening to their voices make me angry cause all that comes out is a demand or a forceful request.
I be thinking mean thoughts in my head but at the moment I wish it happened.
You see who I can become when I'm angry, that's why don't touch me.
I'm sorry but that's who I am and I wish I could change but my emotions get the best of me.