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Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis started on October 26, 1962. On that day, the United States acquired information that Soviet technicians were making nuclear launch sites in Cuba. After the Bay of Pigs incident, the Soviets wanted to better protect Cuba. They also thought the launch site would give them diplomatic leverage over the U.S., and that they would have a greater influence in Latin America. The United States believed the launch pad was a threat to its national security, JFK demanded that The U.S.S.R. remove all missiles in Cuba. He also had a aerial and naval blockade placed on Cuba. The conflict lasted two weeks and ended with the Soviets acquiescing to U.S. demands. However, the United States had to pledge not to try to overthrow Castro from power. This crisis showed how dangerous it was to have two superpowers that had nuclear capabilities.

The fate of the world rested on the powers of two nations.

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Cold War

By sba6821