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In the story incognegro is about an African American man named Zane. He goes to the south to be an under cover news paper writer. He goes to find more information on lynchings because he saw one in the north and it went unheard of so he wanted to get more information on it. Zane's friend Carl goes with him on the trip and can't seem to stay out if trouble because all he keeps doing is drawing attention towards them when Zane specifically told him when they got off the train to stay low profile so no one would catch on to them. Alonzo is Zane's twin brother that Zane found in jail when he went to go talk to the sheriff about any stories that Zane could work on. Alonzo is in jail because he was being accused for murdering Michaela Mathers. But Alonzo tells Zane that she was the love of his life and he had to find the person that actually

killed her so he wouldn't be charged for a crime that he did not commit. So when Zane goes to find the crime seen he sees the dead body but is shot in the hand. He turns around and it turns out to be Michaela and they made a mistake thinking it was her who was really dead but obviously she wasn't. She was telling Zane about his brother as if he had never met him before. And she was going on and on about her moonshine business and how she has his a big stash.

"Incognegro" Summary

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Nico Esposito graphic novel project

By Nico